Matthew 3:15

3:15 So Jesus replied to him, “Let it happen now, for it is right for us to fulfill all righteousness.” Then John yielded to him.

Acts 13:22

13:22 After removing him, God raised up David their king. He testified about him:I have found David the son of Jesse to be a man after my heart, who will accomplish everything I want him to do.’ 10 

Galatians 6:2

6:2 Carry one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

James 2:8

2:8 But if you fulfill the royal law as expressed in this scripture, 11 You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” 12  you are doing well.

tn Grk “but Jesus, answering, said.” This construction with passive participle and finite verb is pleonastic (redundant) and has been simplified in the translation to “replied to him.”

tn Grk “Permit now.”

tn Grk “he”; the referent (John the Baptist) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

tn Or “permitted him.”

tn Grk “he”; the referent (God) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

sn The expression raised up refers here to making someone king. There is a wordplay here: “raising up” refers to bringing someone onto the scene of history, but it echoes with the parallel to Jesus’ resurrection.

tn Grk “about whom.” The relative pronoun (“whom”) was replaced by the pronoun “him” and a new sentence was begun in the translation at this point to improve the English style, due to the length of the sentence in Greek. The verb εἶπεν (eipen) has not been translated (literally “he said testifying”) because it is redundant when combined with the participle μαρτυρήσας (marturhsa", “testifying”). Instead the construction of verb plus participle has been translated as a single English verb (“testified”).

sn A quotation from Ps 89:20.

sn A quotation from 1 Sam 13:14.

10 tn Or “who will perform all my will,” “who will carry out all my wishes.”

11 tn Grk “according to the scripture.”

12 sn A quotation from Lev 19:18 (also quoted in Matt 19:19; 22:39; Mark 12:31; Luke 10:27; Rom 13:9; Gal 5:14).