Nehemiah 13:31

13:31 I also provided for the wood offering at the appointed times and also for the first fruits.

Please remember me for good, O my God.

Leviticus 6:12

6:12 but the fire which is on the altar must be kept burning on it. It must not be extinguished. So the priest must kindle wood on it morning by morning, and he must arrange the burnt offering on it and offer the fat of the peace offering up in smoke on it.

Joshua 9:27

9:27 and that day made them woodcutters and water carriers for the community and for the altar of the Lord at the divinely chosen site. (They continue in that capacity to this very day.)

Isaiah 40:16

40:16 Not even Lebanon could supply enough firewood for a sacrifice;

its wild animals would not provide enough burnt offerings.

tn The words “I also provided for” are not included in the Hebrew text, but are supplied in the translation for the sake of clarity.

tn Heb “in it,” apparently referring to the “hearth” which was on top of the altar (cf. the note on v. 9).

tn Heb “and Joshua made them in that day woodcutters and water carriers for the community, and for the altar of the Lord to this day at the place which he chooses.”

tn The words “for a sacrifice” are supplied in the translation for clarification.

sn The point is that not even the Lebanon forest could supply enough wood and animals for an adequate sacrifice to the Lord.