7:51 “You stubborn 10 people, with uncircumcised 11 hearts and ears! 12 You are always resisting the Holy Spirit, like your ancestors 13 did!
1 tn Grk “these are the ones who cause divisions.”
2 tn Or “natural,” that is, living on the level of instincts, not on a spiritual level (the same word occurs in 1 Cor 2:14 as a description of nonbelievers).
3 tn Grk “not having [the] Spirit.”
1 tn Or “But your predecessors…”; Heb “But they….” There is a confusing interchange in the pronouns in vv. 25-26 which has led to some leveling in the ancient versions and the modern English versions. What is involved here are four levels of referents, the “you” of the present generation (vv. 21-22a), the ancestors who were delivered from Egypt (i.e., the “they” of vv. 22b-24), the “you” of v. 25 which involves all the Israelites from the Exodus to the time of speaking, and the “they” of v. 26 which cannot be the ancestors of vv. 22-24 (since they cannot be more wicked than themselves) but must be an indefinite entity which is a part of the “you” of v. 25, i.e., the more immediate ancestors of the present generation. If this is kept in mind, there is no need to level the pronouns to “they” and “them” or to “you” and “your” as some of the ancient versions and modern English versions have done.
2 tn Heb “hardened [or made stiff] their neck.”
1 tn Heb “they have gone/followed after.” See the translator’s note at 2:5 for the idiom.
2 tn Heb “the Baals,” referring either to the pagan gods called “Baals” or the images of Baal (so NLT).
3 tn Or “forefathers,” or “ancestors.” Here the referent could be the immediate parents or, by their example, more distant ancestors.
1 sn For the argumentation here compare Jer 7:23-26.
1 sn Traditionally, “stiff-necked people.” Now the critique begins in earnest.
2 tn The term ἀπερίτμητοι (aperitmhtoi, “uncircumcised”) is a NT hapax legomenon (occurs only once). See BDAG 101-2 s.v. ἀπερίτμητος and Isa 52:1.
3 tn Or “You stubborn and obstinate people!” (The phrase “uncircumcised hearts and ears” is another figure for stubbornness.)
4 tn Or “forefathers”; Grk “fathers.”