Numbers 1:14

1:14 from Gad, Eliasaph son of Deuel;

Numbers 2:14

2:14 Next will be the tribe of Gad. The leader of the people of Gad is Eliasaph son of Deuel.

tc There is a textual difficulty with this verb. The Greek form uses r and not d, giving the name Ra‘oul. There is even some variation in the Hebrew traditions, but BHS (following the Leningrad codex of a.d. 1008) has preferred the name Deuel.

tn The Hebrew text simply has “and the tribe of Gad.”

tc The Leningrad codex, upon which BHS is based, has “Reuel” here. In reading “Deuel” the translation presented above follows many medieval Hebrew manuscripts, Smr, and the Latin Vulgate. Cf. Num 1:14.