Numbers 1:6

1:6 from Simeon, Shelumiel son of Zurishaddai;

Numbers 7:36

7:36 On the fifth day Shelumiel son of Zurishaddai, leader of the Simeonites, presented an offering.

Numbers 7:41

7:41 and for the sacrifice of peace offerings: two bulls, five rams, five male goats, and five lambs in their first year. This was the offering of Sheloumiel son of Zurishaddai.

Numbers 10:19

10:19 Over the company of the tribe of the Simeonites was Shelumiel son of Zurishaddai,

sn This name and the name Ammishaddai below have the theophoric element (שַׁדַּי, shadday, “the Almighty”). It would mean “the Almighty is my rock”; the later name means “the Almighty is my kinsman.” Other theophoric elements in the passage are “father,” “brother,” and “God.”