19:7 Then the priest must wash 1 his clothes and bathe himself 2 in water, and afterward he may come 3 into the camp, but the priest will be ceremonially unclean until evening.
19:8 The one who burns it 4 must wash his clothes in water and bathe himself in water. He will be ceremonially unclean until evening.
Numbers 19:10
19:10 The one who gathers the ashes of the heifer must wash his clothes and be ceremonially unclean until evening. This will be a permanent ordinance both for the Israelites and the resident foreigner who lives among them.
1 tn The sequence continues with the perfect tense and vav (ו) consecutive.
2 tnHeb “his flesh.”
3 tn This is the imperfect of permission.
4 sn Here the text makes clear that he had at least one assistant.