119:37 Turn my eyes away from what is worthless! 1
Revive me with your word! 2
119:40 Look, I long for your precepts.
Revive me with your deliverance! 3
119:88 Revive me with 4 your loyal love,
that I might keep 5 the rules you have revealed. 6
119:93 I will never forget your precepts,
for by them you have revived me.
119:107 I am suffering terribly.
O Lord, revive me with your word! 7
119:149 Listen to me 8 because of 9 your loyal love!
O Lord, revive me, as you typically do! 10
119:156 Your compassion is great, O Lord.
Revive me, as you typically do! 11
119:159 See how I love your precepts!
O Lord, revive me with your loyal love!
71:20 Though you have allowed me to experience much trouble and distress, 12
revive me once again! 13
Bring me up once again 14 from the depths of the earth!
80:18 Then we will not turn away from you.
Revive us and we will pray to you! 15
143:11 O Lord, for the sake of your reputation, 16 revive me! 17
Because of your justice, rescue me from trouble! 18
1 tn Heb “Make my eyes pass by from looking at what is worthless.”
2 tn Heb “by your word.”
3 tn Or “righteousness.”
5 tn Heb “according to.”
6 tn The cohortative verbal form with vav (ו) conjunctive indicates purpose/result after the preceding imperative.
7 tn Heb “of your mouth.”
7 tn Heb “according to your word.”
9 tn Heb “my voice.”
10 tn Heb “according to.”
11 tn Heb “according to your custom.”
11 tn Heb “according to your customs.”
13 tn Heb “you who have caused me to see many harmful distresses.”
14 tn Heb “you return, you give me life.” The Hebrew term שׁוּב (shuv, “return”) is used here in an adverbial sense, indicating repetition of the action described by the following verb. The imperfects are understood here as expressing the psalmist’s prayer or wish. (Note the use of a distinctly jussive form at the beginning of v. 21.) Another option is to understand this as a statement of confidence, “you will revive me once again” (cf. NIV, NRSV).
15 tn Heb “you return, you bring me up.” The Hebrew term שׁוּב (shuv, “return”) is used here in an adverbial sense, indicating repetition of the action described by the following verb. The imperfects are understood here as expressing the psalmist’s prayer or wish. (Note the use of a distinctly jussive form at the beginning of v. 21.) Another option is to understand this as a statement of confidence, “you will bring me up once again” (cf. NIV, NRSV).
15 tn Heb “and in your name we will call.”
17 tn Heb “name,” which here stands metonymically for God’s reputation.
18 tn The imperfect verbal forms in vv. 11-12a are understood as expressing the psalmist’s desire. Note the petitionary tone of vv. 7-10a.
19 tn Heb “by your justice bring out my life from trouble.”
19 tn Grk “for the law of the Spirit of life.”
20 tc Most
21 tn Grk “in that.”