Psalms 132:13-16

132:13 Certainly the Lord has chosen Zion;

he decided to make it his home.

132:14 He said, “This will be my resting place forever;

I will live here, for I have chosen it.

132:15 I will abundantly supply what she needs;

I will give her poor all the food they need.

132:16 I will protect her priests,

and her godly people will shout exuberantly.

tn Or “for.”

tn Heb “he desired it for his dwelling place.”

tn The words “he said” are added in the translation to clarify that what follows are the Lord’s words.

tn Heb “for I desired it.”

tn Heb “I will greatly bless her provision.” The infinitive absolute is used to emphasize the verb.

tn Heb “her poor I will satisfy [with] food.”

tn Heb “and her priests I will clothe [with] deliverance.”

tn Heb “[with] shouting they will shout.” The infinitive absolute is used to emphasize the verb.