Psalms 2:6

2:6 “I myself have installed my king

on Zion, my holy hill.”

Psalms 43:3

43:3 Reveal your light and your faithfulness!

They will lead me,

they will escort me back to your holy hill,

and to the place where you live.

Psalms 99:9

99:9 Praise the Lord our God!

Worship on his holy hill,

for the Lord our God is holy!

Psalms 132:13-14

132:13 Certainly 10  the Lord has chosen Zion;

he decided to make it his home. 11 

132:14 He said, 12  “This will be my resting place forever;

I will live here, for I have chosen it. 13 

tn The first person pronoun appears before the first person verbal form for emphasis, reflected in the translation by “myself.”

tn Or perhaps “consecrated.”

tn Heb “send.”

sn God’s deliverance is compared here to a light which will lead the psalmist back home to the Lord’s temple. Divine deliverance will in turn demonstrate the Lord’s faithfulness to his people.

tn Or “may they lead me.” The prefixed verbal forms here and in the next line may be taken as jussives.

tn Heb “bring.”

sn In this context the Lord’s holy hill is Zion/Jerusalem. See Isa 66:20; Joel 2:1; 3:17; Zech 8:3; Pss 2:6; 15:1; 48:1; 87:1; Dan 9:16.

tn Or “to your dwelling place[s].” The plural form of the noun may indicate degree or quality; this is the Lord’s special dwelling place (see Pss 46:4; 84:1; 132:5, 7).

tn Or “exalt.”

10 tn Or “for.”

11 tn Heb “he desired it for his dwelling place.”

12 tn The words “he said” are added in the translation to clarify that what follows are the Lord’s words.

13 tn Heb “for I desired it.”