59:9 You are my source of strength! I will wait for you! 1
For God is my refuge. 2
59:10 The God who loves me will help me; 3
God will enable me to triumph over 4 my enemies. 5
21:13 Rise up, O Lord, in strength! 6
We will sing and praise 7 your power!
106:8 Yet he delivered them for the sake of his reputation, 8
that he might reveal his power.
145:11 They will proclaim the splendor of your kingdom;
they will tell about your power,
15:6 Your right hand, O Lord, was majestic 9 in power,
your right hand, O Lord, shattered the enemy.
37:23 As for the Almighty, 10 we cannot attain to him!
He is great in power,
but justice 11 and abundant righteousness he does not oppress.
1 tc Heb “his strength, for you I will watch.” “His strength” should be emended to “my strength” (see v. 17). Some also emend אֶשְׁמֹרָה (’eshmorah, “I will watch”) to אֱזַמֵּרָה (’ezammerah, “I will sing praises [to you]”) See v. 17.
2 tn Or “my elevated place” (see Ps 18:2).
3 tn Heb “the God of my [Qere (marginal reading); the Kethib (consonantal text) has “his”] loyal love will meet me.”
4 tn Heb “will cause me to look upon.”
5 tn Heb “those who watch me [with evil intent].” See also Pss 5:8; 27:11; 54:5; 56:2.
5 tn Heb “in your strength,” but English idiom does not require the pronoun.
6 tn Heb “sing praise.”
7 tn Heb “his name,” which here stands metonymically for God’s reputation.
9 tn The form נֶאְדָּרִי (ne’dari) may be an archaic infinitive with the old ending i, used in place of the verb and meaning “awesome.” Gesenius says that the vowel ending may be an old case ending, especially when a preposition is inserted between the word and its genitive (GKC 253 §90.l), but he suggests a reconstruction of the form.
11 tn The name “Almighty” is here a casus pendens, isolating the name at the front of the sentence and resuming it with a pronoun.
12 tn The MT places the major disjunctive accent (the atnach) under “power,” indicating that “and justice” as a disjunctive clause starting the second half of the verse (with ESV, NASB, NIV, NLT). Ignoring the Masoretic accent, NRSV has “he is great in power and justice.”