Revelation 2:16

2:16 Therefore, repent! If not, I will come against you quickly and make war against those people with the sword of my mouth.

Revelation 2:21-22

2:21 I have given her time to repent, but she is not willing to repent of her sexual immorality. 2:22 Look! I am throwing her onto a bed of violent illness, and those who commit adultery with her into terrible suffering, unless they repent of her deeds.

Revelation 3:3

3:3 Therefore, remember what you received and heard, and obey it, and repent. If you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will never know at what hour I will come against 10  you.

Revelation 3:19

3:19 All those 11  I love, I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent!

Revelation 9:20-21

9:20 The rest of humanity, who had not been killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, so that they did not stop worshiping demons and idols made 12  of gold, silver, 13  bronze, stone, and wood – idols that cannot see or hear or walk about. 9:21 Furthermore, 14  they did not repent of their murders, of their magic spells, 15  of their sexual immorality, or of their stealing.

Revelation 16:9

16:9 Thus 16  people 17  were scorched by the terrible heat, 18  yet 19  they blasphemed the name of God, who has ruling authority 20  over these plagues, and they would not repent and give him glory.

Acts 17:30-31

17:30 Therefore, although God has overlooked 21  such times of ignorance, 22  he now commands all people 23  everywhere to repent, 24  17:31 because he has set 25  a day on which he is going to judge the world 26  in righteousness, by a man whom he designated, 27  having provided proof to everyone by raising 28  him from the dead.”

tc The “therefore” (οὖν, oun) is not found in א 2053 2329 2351 ÏA or the Latin mss. It is, however, included in impressive witnesses such as {A C 046 1006 1611 syp,h co}. Though the conjunction looks at first glance like a scribal clarification, its omission may be explained on the basis of its similarity to the last three letters of the verb “repent” (μετανόησον, metanohson; since οὖν is a postpositive conjunction in Greek, the final three letters of the verb [-σον, -son] would have been immediately followed by ουν). A scribe could have simply passed over the conjunction in his copy when he saw the last three letters of the imperative verb. A decision is difficult, however, because of the motivation to add to the text and the quality of witnesses that lack the conjunction.

tn Grk “with them”; the referent (those people who follow the teaching of Balaam and the Nicolaitans) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

tn Here καί (kai) has not been translated because of differences between Greek and contemporary English style.

tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “but” to bring out the contrast present in this woman’s obstinate refusal to repent.

tn Grk “onto a bed,” in this context an idiom for severe illness (L&N 23.152).

tn Or “into great distress.” The suffering here is not specified as physical or emotional, and could involve persecution.

tn The expression πῶς εἴληφας καὶ ἤκουσας (pw" eilhfa" kai hkousa") probably refers to the initial instruction in the Christian life they had received and been taught; this included doctrine and ethical teaching.

tn Grk “keep it,” in the sense of obeying what they had initially been taught.

tn The negation here is with οὐ μή (ou mh, the strongest possible form of negation in Koine Greek).

10 tn Or “come on.”

11 tn The Greek pronoun ὅσος (Josos) means “as many as” and can be translated “All those” or “Everyone.”

12 tn The word “made” is not in the Greek text but is implied.

13 tn The Greek conjunction καί (kai) has not been translated here or before the following materials in this list, since English normally uses a coordinating conjunction only between the last two elements in a series of three or more.

14 tn Grk “and.” Because of the length and complexity of the Greek sentence, a new sentence was started here in the translation, with “furthermore” used to indicate a continuation of the preceding.

15 tn On the term φαρμακεία (farmakeia, “magic spells”) see L&N 53.100: “the use of magic, often involving drugs and the casting of spells upon people – ‘to practice magic, to cast spells upon, to engage in sorcery, magic, sorcery.’ φαρμακεία: ἐν τῇ φαρμακείᾳ σου ἐπλανήθησαν πάντα τὰ ἔθνη ‘with your magic spells you deceived all the peoples (of the world)’ Re 18:23.”

16 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “thus” to indicate the implied result of the bowl poured on the sun.

17 tn Grk “men,” but this is a generic use of ἄνθρωπος (anqrwpo") and refers to both men and women.

18 tn On this phrase BDAG 536 s.v. καῦμα states, “burning, heat Rv 7:16…καυματίζεσθαι κ. μέγα be burned with a scorching heat 16:9.”

19 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “yet” to indicate the contrast present in this context.

20 tn For the translation “ruling authority” for ἐξουσία (exousia) see L&N 37.35.

21 tn Or “has deliberately paid no attention to.”

22 tn Or “times when people did not know.”

23 tn Here ἀνθρώποις (anqrwpoi") has been translated as a generic noun (“people”).

24 sn He now commands all people everywhere to repent. God was now asking all mankind to turn to him. No nation or race was excluded.

25 tn Or “fixed.”

26 sn The world refers to the whole inhabited earth.

27 tn Or “appointed.” BDAG 723 s.v. ὁρίζω 2.b has “of persons appoint, designate, declare: God judges the world ἐν ἀνδρὶ ᾧ ὥρισεν through a man whom he has appointed Ac 17:31.”

28 tn The participle ἀναστήσας (anasthsa") indicates means here.