11:17 Now if some of the branches were broken off, and you, a wild olive shoot, were grafted in among them and participated in 1 the richness of the olive root,
11:1 So I ask, God has not rejected his people, has he? Absolutely not! For I too am an Israelite, a descendant of Abraham, from the tribe of Benjamin.
6:6 Now the one who receives instruction in the word must share all good things with the one who teaches 3 it.
1 tn Grk “became a participant of.”
2 tn The expression “for the display of” is an attempt to convey in English the force of the Greek preposition εἰς (eis) in this context.
3 tn Or “instructs,” “imparts.”
4 tn Grk “I wrote” Here ἔγραψα (egraya) is functioning as an epistolary aorist. Paul puts it in the past tense because from Philemon’s perspective when he reads the letter it will, of course, already have been written.
5 tn The phrase “this letter” does not appear in the Greek text, but is supplied in the English translation to clarify the meaning.
6 sn With my own hand. Paul may have considered this letter so delicate that he wrote the letter himself as opposed to using an amanuensis or secretary.
7 sn The statement you owe me your very self means that Paul was responsible for some sort of blessing in the life of Philemon; though a monetary idea may be in mind, it is perhaps better to understand Paul as referring to the spiritual truth (i.e., the gospel) he had taught Philemon.