1 sn This is the first occurrence of law (nomos) in Romans. Exactly what Paul means by the term has been the subject of much scholarly debate. According to J. A. Fitzmyer (Romans [AB], 131-35; 305-6) there are at least four different senses: (1) figurative, as a “principle”; (2) generic, meaning “a law”; (3) as a reference to the OT or some part of the OT; and (4) as a reference to the Mosaic law. This last usage constitutes the majority of Paul’s references to “law” in Romans.
2 tn The form of the Greek word is either present or future, but it is best to translate in future because of the context of future judgment.
3 tn Grk “of people.”
4 sn On my gospel cf. Rom 16:25; 2 Tim 2:8.