1 tn Grk “be called.” The emphasis here is upon God’s divine sovereignty in choosing Isaac as the child through whom Abraham’s lineage would be counted as opposed to Ishmael.
2 tn Grk “That is,” or “That is to say.”
3 tn Because it forms the counterpoint to “the children of promise” the expression “children of the flesh” has been retained in the translation.
3 tn Grk “For this is the word of promise.”
4 tn Grk “About this time I will return.” Since this refers to the time when the promised child would be born, it would be approximately a year later.
5 sn A quotation from Gen 18:10, 14.
4 tn Or possibly “by one act of sexual intercourse.” See D. Moo, Romans (NICNT), 579.
5 tn Grk “God’s purpose according to election.”
6 tn Or “not based on works but based on…”
7 tn Grk “by the one who calls.”
6 sn Many translations place this verse division before the phrase “not by works but by his calling” (NA27/UBS4, NIV, NRSV, NLT, NAB). Other translations place this verse division in the same place that the translation above does (NASB, KJV, NKJV, ASV, RSV). The translation has followed the latter to avoid breaking the parenthetical statement.
7 sn A quotation from Gen 25:23.
7 sn A quotation from Mal 1:2-3.