The Song of Songs 1:11

1:11 We will make for you gold ornaments

studded with silver.

tn The subject of the 1st person common plural verb נַעֲשֶׂה (naaseh) might be the maidens of Jerusalem mentioned in 1:4[5]. However, this might be an example of heterosis of number, that is, the 1st person common plural for 1st person common singular person. In this case, her lover – the speaker throughout the rest of 1:8-9[9-10] – would still be the speaker here. Other possible examples of heterosis of number of the plural for the singular in the Song include 1:3[4]; 2:15; 5:1b; 6:13[7:1].

tn Or “We will make gold ornaments with your studs of silver.”