Zechariah 8:23

8:23 The Lord who rules over all says, ‘In those days ten people from all languages and nations will grasp hold of – indeed, grab – the robe of one Jew and say, “Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.”’”

Isaiah 11:10-12

Israel is Reclaimed and Reunited

11:10 At that time a root from Jesse will stand like a signal flag for the nations. Nations will look to him for guidance, and his residence will be majestic. 11:11 At that time the sovereign master will again lift his hand to reclaim the remnant of his people from Assyria, Egypt, Pathros, 10  Cush, 11  Elam, Shinar, 12  Hamath, and the seacoasts. 13 

11:12 He will lift a signal flag for the nations;

he will gather Israel’s dispersed people 14 

and assemble Judah’s scattered people

from the four corners of the earth.

Isaiah 60:3

60:3 Nations come to your light,

kings to your bright light.

Isaiah 60:14

60:14 The children of your oppressors will come bowing to you;

all who treated you with disrespect will bow down at your feet.

They will call you, ‘The City of the Lord,

Zion of the Holy One of Israel.’ 15 

Zephaniah 3:20

3:20 At that time I will lead you –

at the time I gather you together. 16 

Be sure of this! 17  I will make all the nations of the earth respect and admire you 18 

when you see me restore you,” 19  says the Lord.

sn This scene of universal and overwhelming attraction of the nations to Israel’s God finds initial fulfillment in the establishment of the church (Acts 2:5-11) but ultimate completion in the messianic age (Isa 45:14, 24; 60:14; Zech 14:16-21).

tn Or “in that day” (KJV). The verb that introduces this verse serves as a discourse particle and is untranslated; see note on “in the future” in 2:2.

sn See the note at v. 1.

tn Heb “ a root from Jesse, which stands for a signal flag of the nations, of him nations will inquire” [or “seek”].

tn Or “in that day” (KJV). The verb that introduces this verse serves as a discourse particle and is untranslated; see note on “in the future” in 2:2.

tn The Hebrew term translated “sovereign master” here is אֲדֹנָי (’adonai).

tc The Hebrew text reads, “the sovereign master will again, a second time, his hand.” The auxiliary verb יוֹסִיף (yosif), which literally means “add,” needs a main verb to complete it. Consequently many emend שֵׁנִית (shenit, “a second time”) to an infinitive. Some propose the form שַׁנֹּת (shannot, a Piel infinitive construct from שָׁנָה, shanah) and relate it semantically to an Arabic cognate meaning “to be high.” If the Hebrew text is retained a verb must be supplied. “Second time” would allude back to the events of the Exodus (see vv. 15-16).

tn Or “acquire”; KJV, ASV, NASB, NRSV “recover.”

tn Heb “the remnant of his people who remain.”

10 sn Perhaps a reference to Upper (i.e., southern) Egypt (so NIV, NLT; NCV “South Egypt”).

11 tn Or “Ethiopia” (NAB, NRSV, NLT).

12 tn Or “Babylonia” (NIV, NCV, TEV, NLT).

13 tn Or perhaps, “the islands of the sea.”

14 tn Or “the banished of Israel,” i.e., the exiles.

15 sn See the note on the phrase “the Holy One of Israel” in 1:4.

16 tn In this line the second person pronoun is masculine plural, indicating that the exiles are addressed.

17 tn Or “for.”

18 tn Heb “I will make you into a name and praise among all the peoples of the earth.” Here the word “name” carries the nuance of “good reputation.”

19 tn Heb “when I restore your fortunes to your eyes.” See the note on the phrase “restore them” in 2:7.