1 Chronicles 15:16

15:16 David told the leaders of the Levites to appoint some of their relatives as musicians; they were to play various instruments, including stringed instruments and cymbals, and to sing loudly and joyfully.

1 Chronicles 15:25

15:25 So David, the leaders of Israel, and the commanders of units of a thousand went to bring up the ark of the Lord’s covenant from the house of Obed-Edom with celebration.

1 Chronicles 15:28

15:28 All Israel brought up the ark of the Lord’s covenant; they were shouting, blowing trumpets, sounding cymbals, and playing stringed instruments.

Ezra 3:10-11

3:10 When the builders established the Lord’s temple, the priests, ceremonially attired and with their clarions, and the Levites (the sons of Asaph) with their cymbals, stood to praise the Lord according to the instructions left by King David of Israel. 3:11 With antiphonal response they sang, praising and glorifying the Lord:

“For he is good;

his loyal love toward Israel is forever.”

All the people gave a loud shout as they praised the Lord when the temple of the Lord was established.

Psalms 47:1

Psalm 47

For the music director; by the Korahites; a psalm.

47:1 All you nations, clap your hands!

Shout out to God in celebration!

Psalms 47:5-6

47:5 God has ascended his throne amid loud shouts;

the Lord has ascended his throne amid the blaring of ram’s horns.

47:6 Sing to God! Sing!

Sing to our king! Sing!

Psalms 68:24-27

68:24 They see your processions, O God –

the processions of my God, my king, who marches along in holy splendor.

68:25 Singers walk in front;

musicians follow playing their stringed instruments,

in the midst of young women playing tambourines.

68:26 In your large assemblies praise God,

the Lord, in the assemblies of Israel!

68:27 There is little Benjamin, their ruler,

and the princes of Judah in their robes,

along with the princes of Zebulun and the princes of Naphtali.