1 Chronicles 16:35

16:35 Say this prayer: “Deliver us, O God who delivers us!

Gather us! Rescue us from the nations!

Then we will give thanks to your holy name,

and boast about your praiseworthy deeds.”

Psalms 106:47

106:47 Deliver us, O Lord, our God!

Gather us from among the nations!

Then we will give thanks to your holy name,

and boast about your praiseworthy deeds.

Psalms 147:2

147:2 The Lord rebuilds Jerusalem,

and gathers the exiles of Israel.

Isaiah 11:12

11:12 He will lift a signal flag for the nations;

he will gather Israel’s dispersed people

and assemble Judah’s scattered people

from the four corners of the earth.

Isaiah 56:8

56:8 The sovereign Lord says this,

the one who gathers the dispersed of Israel:

“I will still gather them up.”

Jeremiah 12:15

12:15 But after I have uprooted the people of those nations, I will relent and have pity on them. I will restore the people of each of those nations to their own lands and to their own country.

Jeremiah 31:10

31:10 Hear what the Lord has to say, O nations.

Proclaim it in the faraway lands along the sea.

Say, “The one who scattered Israel will regather them.

He will watch over his people like a shepherd watches over his flock.”

Jeremiah 32:37

32:37 ‘I will certainly regather my people from all the countries where I will have exiled them in my anger, fury, and great wrath. I will bring them back to this place and allow them to live here in safety.

Jeremiah 50:19-20

50:19 But I will restore the flock of Israel to their own pasture.

They will graze on Mount Carmel and the land of Bashan.

They will eat until they are full

on the hills of Ephraim and the land of Gilead.

50:20 When that time comes,

no guilt will be found in Israel.

No sin will be found in Judah.

For I will forgive those of them I have allowed to survive.

I, the Lord, affirm it!’”

Matthew 24:31

24:31 And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet blast, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.