1 Kings 16:7

16:7 The prophet Jehu son of Hanani received from the Lord the message predicting the downfall of Baasha and his family because of all the evil Baasha had done in the sight of the Lord. His actions angered the Lord (including the way he had destroyed Jeroboam’s dynasty), so that his family ended up like Jeroboam’s.

1 Kings 16:13

16:13 This happened because of all the sins which Baasha and his son Elah committed and which they made Israel commit. They angered the Lord God of Israel with their worthless idols.

1 Kings 15:30

15:30 This happened because of the sins which Jeroboam committed and which he made Israel commit. These sins angered the Lord God of Israel.

Psalms 9:16

9:16 The Lord revealed himself;

he accomplished justice;

the wicked were ensnared by their own actions. (Higgaion. Selah)

Psalms 58:9-11

58:9 Before the kindling is even placed under your pots,

he will sweep it away along with both the raw and cooked meat.

58:10 The godly will rejoice when they see vengeance carried out;

they will bathe their feet in the blood of the wicked.

58:11 Then observers will say,

“Yes indeed, the godly are rewarded!

Yes indeed, there is a God who judges in the earth!”