1 Kings 22:8

22:8 The king of Israel answered Jehoshaphat, “There is still one man through whom we can seek the Lord’s will. But I despise him because he does not prophesy prosperity for me, but disaster. His name is Micaiah son of Imlah. Jehoshaphat said, “The king should not say such things.”

1 Kings 22:2

22:2 In the third year King Jehoshaphat of Judah came down to visit the king of Israel.

1 Kings 16:9-10

16:9 His servant Zimri, a commander of half of his chariot force, conspired against him. While Elah was drinking heavily at the house of Arza, who supervised the palace in Tirzah, 16:10 Zimri came in and struck him dead. (This happened in the twenty-seventh year of Asa’s reign over Judah.) Zimri replaced Elah as king.

1 Kings 1:20-22

1:20 Now, my master, O king, all Israel is watching anxiously to see who is named to succeed my master the king on the throne. 1:21 If a decision is not made, when my master the king is buried with his ancestors, my son Solomon and I will be considered state criminals.”

1:22 Just then, while she was still speaking to the king, Nathan the prophet arrived.

1 Kings 1:16

1:16 Bathsheba bowed down on the floor before the king. The king said, “What do you want?”