1 Kings 8:43

8:43 Then listen from your heavenly dwelling place and answer all the prayers of the foreigners. Then all the nations of the earth will acknowledge your reputation, obey you like your people Israel do, and recognize that this temple I built belongs to you.

1 Kings 8:2

8:2 All the men of Israel assembled before King Solomon during the festival in the month Ethanim (the seventh month).

1 Kings 19:19

19:19 Elijah went from there and found Elisha son of Shaphat. He was plowing with twelve pairs of oxen; he was near the twelfth pair. Elijah passed by him and threw his robe over him.

Psalms 67:2-4

67:2 Then those living on earth will know what you are like;

all nations will know how you deliver your people.

67:3 Let the nations thank you, O God!

Let all the nations thank you!

67:4 Let foreigners rejoice and celebrate!

For you execute justice among the nations,

and govern the people living on earth. (Selah)

Psalms 78:3-6

78:3 What we have heard and learned

that which our ancestors have told us –

78:4 we will not hide from their descendants.

We will tell the next generation

about the Lord’s praiseworthy acts,

about his strength and the amazing things he has done.

78:5 He established a rule in Jacob;

he set up a law in Israel.

He commanded our ancestors

to make his deeds known to their descendants,

78:6 so that the next generation, children yet to be born,

might know about them.

They will grow up and tell their descendants about them.

Psalms 145:5-6

145:5 I will focus on your honor and majestic splendor,

and your amazing deeds!

145:6 They will proclaim the power of your awesome acts!

I will declare your great deeds!