1 Peter 1:10
1:10 Concerning this salvation, the prophets who predicted the grace that would come to you searched and investigated carefully.
1 Peter 2:11
2:11 Dear friends, I urge you as foreigners and exiles to keep away from fleshly desires that do battle against the soul,
1 Peter 2:16
2:16 Live
as free people, not using your freedom as a pretext for evil, but as God’s slaves.
1 Peter 2:25
2:25 For you were
going astray like sheep but now you have turned back to the shepherd and guardian of your souls.
1 Peter 3:3
3:3 Let your
not be external – the braiding of hair and wearing of gold jewelry
or fine clothes –
1 Peter 3:5
3:5 For in the same way the holy women who hoped in God long ago adorned themselves by being subject to their husbands,
1 Peter 3:12
3:12 For the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous and his ears are open to their prayer.
But the Lord’s face is against those who do evil.
1 Peter 3:14
3:14 But in fact, if you happen to suffer
for doing what is right,
you are blessed.
But do not be terrified of them or be shaken.
1 Peter 4:6
4:6 Now it was for this very purpose
that the gospel was preached to those who are now dead,
so that though
they were judged in the flesh
by human standards
they may live spiritually
by God’s standards.
1 Peter 4:19
4:19 So then let those who suffer according to the will of God entrust their souls to a faithful Creator as they do good.