1 Samuel 11:2

11:2 But Nahash the Ammonite said to them, “The only way I will make a treaty with you is if you let me gouge out the right eye of every one of you and in so doing humiliate all Israel!”

Joshua 7:8-9

7:8 If only we had been satisfied to live on the other side of the Jordan! O Lord, what can I say now that Israel has retreated before its enemies? 7:9 When the Canaanites and all who live in the land hear about this, they will turn against us and destroy the very memory of us from the earth. What will you do to protect your great reputation?”

Joshua 7:2

7:2 Joshua sent men from Jericho to Ai (which is located near Beth Aven, east of Bethel) and instructed them, “Go up and spy on the land.” So the men went up and spied on Ai.

Joshua 19:4

19:4 Eltolad, Bethul, Hormah,

Nehemiah 5:9

5:9 Then I said, “The thing that you are doing is wrong! Should you not conduct yourselves in the fear of our God in order to avoid the reproach of the Gentiles who are our enemies?

Psalms 44:13

44:13 You made us an object of disdain to our neighbors;

those who live on our borders taunt and insult us.

Psalms 74:18

74:18 Remember how the enemy hurls insults, O Lord,

and how a foolish nation blasphemes your name!

Psalms 79:12

79:12 Pay back our neighbors in full!

May they be insulted the same way they insulted you, O Lord!

Daniel 9:16

9:16 O Lord, according to all your justice, please turn your raging anger away from your city Jerusalem, your holy mountain. For due to our sins and the iniquities of our ancestors, Jerusalem and your people are mocked by all our neighbors.

Joel 2:19

2:19 The Lord responded to his people,

“Look! I am about to restore your grain

as well as fresh wine and olive oil.

You will be fully satisfied.

I will never again make you an object of mockery among the nations.