1 Samuel 14:15
14:15 Then fear overwhelmed those who were in the camp, those who were in the field, all the army in the garrison, and the raiding bands. They trembled and the ground shook. This fear was caused by God.
Psalms 68:8
68:8 the earth shakes,
yes, the heavens pour down rain
before God, the God of Sinai,
before God, the God of Israel.
Nahum 1:5
1:5 The mountains tremble before him,
the hills convulse;
the earth is laid waste before him,
the world and all its inhabitants are laid waste.
Zechariah 14:5
14:5 Then you will escape
through my mountain valley, for the mountains will extend to Azal.
Indeed, you will flee as you fled from the earthquake in the days of King Uzziah
of Judah. Then the
Lord my God will come with all his holy ones with him.
Matthew 24:7
24:7 For nation will rise up in arms
against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines
and earthquakes
in various places.
Matthew 27:51-54
27:51 Just then
the temple curtain
was torn in two, from top to bottom. The
earth shook and the rocks were split apart.
27:52 And tombs were opened, and the bodies of many saints who had died
were raised.
27:53 (They
came out of the tombs after his resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared to many people.)
27:54 Now when the centurion
and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and what took place, they were extremely terrified and said, “Truly this one was God’s Son!”
Matthew 28:2
28:2 Suddenly there was a severe earthquake, for an angel of the Lord
descending from heaven came and rolled away the stone and sat on it.
Hebrews 12:26
12:26 Then his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, “
I will once more shake not only the earth but heaven too.”
Revelation 11:19
11:19 Then the temple of God in heaven was opened and the ark of his covenant was visible within his temple. And there were flashes of lightning, roaring, crashes of thunder, an earthquake, and a great hailstorm.
Revelation 16:18
16:18 Then
there were flashes of lightning, roaring,
and crashes of thunder, and there was a tremendous earthquake – an earthquake unequaled since humanity
has been on the earth, so tremendous was that earthquake.