1 Samuel 15:22

15:22 Then Samuel said,

“Does the Lord take pleasure in burnt offerings and sacrifices

as much as he does in obedience?

Certainly, obedience is better than sacrifice;

paying attention is better than the fat of rams.

Psalms 10:8-13

10:8 He waits in ambush near the villages;

in hidden places he kills the innocent.

His eyes look for some unfortunate victim.

10:9 He lies in ambush in a hidden place, like a lion in a thicket;

he lies in ambush, waiting to catch the oppressed;

he catches the oppressed by pulling in his net.

10:10 His victims are crushed and beaten down;

they are trapped in his sturdy nets.

10:11 He says to himself,

“God overlooks it;

he does not pay attention;

he never notices.”

10:12 Rise up, Lord!

O God, strike him down!

Do not forget the oppressed!

10:13 Why does the wicked man reject God?

He says to himself, “You will not hold me accountable.”

Psalms 50:9

50:9 I do not need to take a bull from your household

or goats from your sheepfolds.

Psalms 51:16

51:16 Certainly you do not want a sacrifice, or else I would offer it;

you do not desire a burnt sacrifice.

Isaiah 1:11-15

1:11 “Of what importance to me are your many sacrifices?”

says the Lord.

“I am stuffed with burnt sacrifices

of rams and the fat from steers.

The blood of bulls, lambs, and goats

I do not want.

1:12 When you enter my presence,

do you actually think I want this –

animals trampling on my courtyards?

1:13 Do not bring any more meaningless offerings;

I consider your incense detestable!

You observe new moon festivals, Sabbaths, and convocations,

but I cannot tolerate sin-stained celebrations!

1:14 I hate your new moon festivals and assemblies;

they are a burden

that I am tired of carrying.

1:15 When you spread out your hands in prayer,

I look the other way;

when you offer your many prayers,

I do not listen,

because your hands are covered with blood.

Isaiah 40:16

40:16 Not even Lebanon could supply enough firewood for a sacrifice;

its wild animals would not provide enough burnt offerings.

Jeremiah 7:21-22

7:21 The Lord said to the people of Judah, “The Lord God of Israel who rules over all says: ‘You might as well go ahead and add the meat of your burnt offerings to that of the other sacrifices and eat it, too! 7:22 Consider this: When I spoke to your ancestors after I brought them out of Egypt, I did not merely give them commands about burnt offerings and sacrifices.

Hosea 6:6

6:6 For I delight in faithfulness, not simply in sacrifice;

I delight in acknowledging God, not simply in whole burnt offerings.

Amos 5:22

5:22 Even if you offer me burnt and grain offerings, I will not be satisfied;

I will not look with favor on your peace offerings of fattened calves.