1 Samuel 2:31

2:31 In fact, days are coming when I will remove your strength and the strength of your father’s house. There will not be an old man in your house!

Job 5:26

5:26 You will come to your grave in a full age,

As stacks of grain are harvested in their season.

Job 42:17

42:17 And so Job died, old and full of days.

Isaiah 65:20-22

65:20 Never again will one of her infants live just a few days

or an old man die before his time.

Indeed, no one will die before the age of a hundred,

anyone who fails to reach the age of a hundred will be considered cursed.

65:21 They will build houses and live in them;

they will plant vineyards and eat their fruit.

65:22 No longer will they build a house only to have another live in it,

or plant a vineyard only to have another eat its fruit,

for my people will live as long as trees,

and my chosen ones will enjoy to the fullest what they have produced.

Lamentations 2:20-22

Jerusalem Speaks:

ר (Resh)

2:20 Look, O Lord! Consider!

Whom have you ever afflicted like this?

Should women eat their offspring,

their healthy infants?

Should priest and prophet

be killed in the Lord’s sanctuary?

ש (Sin/Shin)

2:21 The young boys and old men

lie dead on the ground in the streets.

My young women and my young men

have fallen by the sword.

You killed them when you were angry;

you slaughtered them without mercy.

ת (Tav)

2:22 As if it were a feast day, you call

enemies to terrify me on every side.

On the day of the Lord’s anger

no one escaped or survived.

My enemy has finished off

those healthy infants whom I bore and raised.

Lamentations 5:11-15

5:11 They raped women in Zion,

virgins in the towns of Judah.

5:12 Princes were hung by their hands;

elders were mistreated.

5:13 The young men perform menial labor;

boys stagger from their labor.

5:14 The elders are gone from the city gate;

the young men have stopped playing their music.

5:15 Our hearts no longer have any joy;

our dancing is turned to mourning.

Hebrews 12:22

12:22 But you have come to Mount Zion, the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to myriads of angels, to the assembly