1 Samuel 2:8

2:8 He lifts the weak from the dust;

he raises the poor from the ash heap

to seat them with princes

and to bestow on them an honored position.

The foundations of the earth belong to the Lord,

and he has placed the world on them.

Job 34:29

34:29 But if God is quiet, who can condemn him?

If he hides his face, then who can see him?

Yet he is over the individual and the nation alike,

Psalms 33:11

33:11 The Lord’s decisions stand forever;

his plans abide throughout the ages.

Psalms 36:6

36:6 Your justice is like the highest mountains,

your fairness like the deepest sea;

you preserve mankind and the animal kingdom.

Proverbs 21:30

21:30 There is no wisdom and there is no understanding,

and there is no counsel against the Lord.

Isaiah 14:26-27

14:26 This is the plan I have devised for the whole earth;

my hand is ready to strike all the nations.”

14:27 Indeed, the Lord who commands armies has a plan,

and who can possibly frustrate it?

His hand is ready to strike,

and who can possibly stop it?

Isaiah 43:13

43:13 From this day forward I am he;

no one can deliver from my power;

I will act, and who can prevent it?”

Isaiah 46:10-11

46:10 who announces the end from the beginning

and reveals beforehand what has not yet occurred,

who says, ‘My plan will be realized,

I will accomplish what I desire,’

46:11 who summons an eagle from the east,

from a distant land, one who carries out my plan.

Yes, I have decreed,

yes, I will bring it to pass;

I have formulated a plan,

yes, I will carry it out.

Daniel 4:15

4:15 But leave its taproot in the ground,

with a band of iron and bronze around it

surrounded by the grass of the field.

Let it become damp with the dew of the sky,

and let it live with the animals in the grass of the land.

Daniel 4:35

4:35 All the inhabitants of the earth are regarded as nothing.

He does as he wishes with the army of heaven

and with those who inhabit the earth.

No one slaps his hand

and says to him, ‘What have you done?’

Acts 4:28

4:28 to do as much as your power and your plan had decided beforehand would happen.

Ephesians 1:11

1:11 In Christ we too have been claimed as God’s own possession, since we were predestined according to the one purpose of him who accomplishes all things according to the counsel of his will

Ephesians 3:11

3:11 This was according to the eternal purpose that he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord,