1 Samuel 4:10
4:10 So the Philistines fought. Israel was defeated; they all ran home. The slaughter was very great; thirty thousand foot soldiers fell in battle.
1 Samuel 4:2
4:2 The Philistines arranged their forces to fight
Israel. As the battle spread out,
Israel was defeated by
the Philistines, who
killed about four thousand men in the battle line in the field.
1 Samuel 18:17
18:17 Then Saul said to David, “Here’s my oldest daughter, Merab. I want to give her to you in marriage. Only be a brave warrior for me and fight the battles of the Lord.” For Saul thought, “There’s no need for me to raise my hand against him. Let it be the hand of the Philistines!”
1 Samuel 18:1
Saul Comes to Fear David
18:1 When David had finished talking with Saul, Jonathan and David became bound together in close friendship. Jonathan loved David as much as he did his own life.
1 Samuel 22:1
David Goes to Adullam and Mizpah
22:1 So David left there and escaped to the cave of Adullam. When his brothers and the rest of his father’s family learned about it, they went down there to him.