1 Samuel 6:5

6:5 You should make images of the sores and images of the mice that are destroying the land. You should honor the God of Israel. Perhaps he will release his grip on you, your gods, and your land.

Isaiah 13:12

13:12 I will make human beings more scarce than pure gold,

and people more scarce than gold from Ophir.

Jeremiah 13:16

13:16 Show the Lord your God the respect that is due him.

Do it before he brings the darkness of disaster.

Do it before you stumble into distress

like a traveler on the mountains at twilight.

Do it before he turns the light of deliverance you hope for

into the darkness and gloom of exile.

Luke 17:18

17:18 Was no one found to turn back and give praise to God except this foreigner?”

John 9:24

9:24 Then they summoned the man who used to be blind a second time and said to him, “Promise before God to tell the truth. We know that this man is a sinner.”

Revelation 16:9

16:9 Thus people were scorched by the terrible heat, yet they blasphemed the name of God, who has ruling authority over these plagues, and they would not repent and give him glory.