1 Timothy 6:13

6:13 I charge you before God who gives life to all things and Christ Jesus who made his good confession before Pontius Pilate,

1 Timothy 6:1

6:1 Those who are under the yoke as slaves must regard their own masters as deserving of full respect. This will prevent the name of God and Christian teaching from being discredited.

1 Timothy 5:1-2

Instructions about Specific Groups

5:1 Do not address an older man harshly but appeal to him as a father. Speak to younger men as brothers, 5:2 older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters – with complete purity.

1 Timothy 2:14

2:14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman, because she was fully deceived, fell into transgression.

1 Timothy 4:1

Timothy’s Ministry in the Later Times

4:1 Now the Spirit explicitly says that in the later times some will desert the faith and occupy themselves with deceiving spirits and demonic teachings,