2 Chronicles 11:1

11:1 When Rehoboam arrived in Jerusalem, he summoned 180,000 skilled warriors from Judah and Benjamin to attack Israel and restore the kingdom to Rehoboam.

2 Chronicles 14:8

14:8 Asa had an army of 300,000 men from Judah, equipped with large shields and spears. He also had 280,000 men from Benjamin who carried small shields and were adept archers; they were all skilled warriors.

2 Chronicles 17:14-18

17:14 These were their divisions by families:

There were a thousand officers from Judah. Adnah the commander led 300,000 skilled warriors, 17:15 Jehochanan the commander led 280,000, 17:16 and Amasiah son of Zikri, who volunteered to serve the Lord, led 200,000 skilled warriors.

17:17 From Benjamin, Eliada, a skilled warrior, led 200,000 men who were equipped with bows and shields, 17:18 and Jehozabad led 180,000 trained warriors.

2 Chronicles 26:12-13

26:12 The total number of family leaders who led warriors was 2,600. 26:13 They commanded an army of 307,500 skilled and able warriors who were ready to defend the king against his enemies.

2 Chronicles 26:1

Uzziah’s Reign

26:1 All the people of Judah took Uzziah, who was sixteen years old, and made him king in his father Amaziah’s place.

2 Chronicles 21:5

21:5 Jehoram was thirty-two years old when he became king and he reigned for eight years in Jerusalem.