2 Chronicles 18:29

18:29 The king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, “I will disguise myself and then enter the battle; but you wear your royal attire.” So the king of Israel disguised himself and they entered the battle.

2 Chronicles 18:1

Jehoshaphat Allies with Ahab

18:1 Jehoshaphat was very wealthy and greatly respected. He made an alliance by marriage with Ahab,

2 Chronicles 14:2

Asa’s Religious and Military Accomplishments

14:2 (14:1) Asa did what the Lord his God desired and approved.

2 Chronicles 22:1

Ahaziah’s Reign

22:1 The residents of Jerusalem made his youngest son Ahaziah king in his place, for the raiding party that invaded the city with the Arabs had killed all the older sons. So Ahaziah son of Jehoram became king of Judah.

2 Chronicles 22:1

Ahaziah’s Reign

22:1 The residents of Jerusalem made his youngest son Ahaziah king in his place, for the raiding party that invaded the city with the Arabs had killed all the older sons. So Ahaziah son of Jehoram became king of Judah.