2 Chronicles 35:25

35:25 Jeremiah composed laments for Josiah which all the male and female singers use to mourn Josiah to this very day. It has become customary in Israel to sing these; they are recorded in the Book of Laments.

Jeremiah 9:17-18

9:17 The Lord who rules over all told me to say to this people,

“Take note of what I say.

Call for the women who mourn for the dead!

Summon those who are the most skilled at it!”

9:18 I said, “Indeed, let them come quickly and sing a song of mourning for us.

Let them wail loudly until tears stream from our own eyes

and our eyelids overflow with water.

Amos 5:16

5:16 Because of Israel’s sins this is what the Lord, the God who commands armies, the sovereign One, says:

“In all the squares there will be wailing,

in all the streets they will mourn the dead.

They will tell the field workers to lament

and the professional mourners to wail.

Matthew 11:17

11:17 ‘We played the flute for you, yet you did not dance;

we wailed in mourning, yet you did not weep.’

Mark 5:38

5:38 They came to the house of the synagogue ruler where he saw noisy confusion and people weeping and wailing loudly.