2 Corinthians 4:17
4:17 For our momentary, light suffering
is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison
2 Corinthians 4:2
4:2 But we have rejected
shameful hidden deeds,
not behaving
with deceptiveness
or distorting the word of God, but by open proclamation of the truth we commend ourselves to everyone’s conscience before God.
2 Corinthians 2:10
2:10 If you forgive anyone for anything, I also forgive him – for indeed what I have forgiven (if I have forgiven anything) I did so for you in the presence of Christ,
Hebrews 9:15
9:15 And so he is the mediator of a new covenant, so that those who are called may receive the eternal inheritance he has promised, since he died to set them free from the violations committed under the first covenant.
Hebrews 9:1
The Arrangement and Ritual of the Earthly Sanctuary
9:1 Now the first covenant, in fact, had regulations for worship and its earthly sanctuary.
Hebrews 2:1
Warning Against Drifting Away
2:1 Therefore we must pay closer attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away.