2 Kings 10:32-33

10:32 In those days the Lord began to reduce the size of Israel’s territory. Hazael attacked their eastern border. 10:33 He conquered all the land of Gilead, including the territory of Gad, Reuben, and Manasseh, extending all the way from the Aroer in the Arnon Valley through Gilead to Bashan.

2 Kings 12:17

12:17 At that time King Hazael of Syria attacked Gath and captured it. Hazael then decided to attack Jerusalem.

2 Kings 13:3

13:3 The Lord was furious with Israel and handed them over to King Hazael of Syria and to Hazael’s son Ben Hadad for many years.

2 Kings 13:7

13:7 Jehoahaz had no army left except for fifty horsemen, ten chariots, and 10,000 foot soldiers. The king of Syria had destroyed his troops and trampled on them like dust.

Amos 1:3-4

1:3 This is what the Lord says:

“Because Damascus has committed three crimes

make that four! – I will not revoke my

decree of judgment.

They ripped through Gilead like threshing sledges with iron teeth.

1:4 So I will set Hazael’s house on fire;

fire will consume Ben Hadad’s fortresses.