2 Kings 16:10-11
16:10 When King Ahaz went to meet with King Tiglath-pileser of Assyria in Damascus, he saw the altar there. King Ahaz sent to Uriah the priest a drawing of the altar and a blueprint for its design.
16:11 Uriah the priest built an altar in conformity to the plans King Ahaz had sent from Damascus. Uriah the priest finished it before King Ahaz arrived back from Damascus.
2 Kings 15:38--16:2
15:38 Jotham passed away
and was buried with his ancestors in the city of his ancestor David. His son Ahaz replaced him as king.
Ahaz’s Reign over Judah
16:1 In the seventeenth year of the reign of Pekah son of Remaliah, Jotham’s son Ahaz became king over Judah.
16:2 Ahaz was twenty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned for sixteen years in Jerusalem. He did not do what pleased the Lord his God, in contrast to his ancestor David.
2 Kings 16:5
16:5 At that time King Rezin of Syria and King Pekah son of Remaliah of Israel attacked Jerusalem. They besieged Ahaz, but were unable to conquer him.
2 Kings 16:8
16:8 Then Ahaz took the silver and gold that were
in the
Lord’s temple and in the treasuries of the royal palace and sent it as tribute
to the king of Assyria.
2 Kings 16:19--17:1
16:19 The rest of the events of Ahaz’s reign, including his accomplishments, are recorded in the scroll called the Annals of the Kings of Judah.
16:20 Ahaz passed away and was buried with his ancestors in the city of David. His son Hezekiah replaced him as king.
Hoshea’s Reign over Israel
17:1 In the twelfth year of King Ahaz’s reign over Judah, Hoshea son of Elah became king over Israel. He reigned in Samaria for nine years.
2 Kings 18:1
Hezekiah Becomes King of Judah
18:1 In the third year of the reign of Israel’s King Hoshea son of Elah, Ahaz’s son Hezekiah became king over Judah.
2 Kings 20:11
20:11 Isaiah the prophet called out to the
Lord, and the
Lord made the shadow go back ten steps on the stairs of Ahaz.