2 Kings 17:25

17:25 When they first moved in, they did not worship the Lord. So the Lord sent lions among them and the lions were killing them.

2 Kings 17:28

17:28 So one of the priests whom they had deported from Samaria went back and settled in Bethel. He taught them how to worship the Lord.

2 Kings 17:32-35

17:32 At the same time they worshiped the Lord. They appointed some of their own people to serve as priests in the shrines on the high places. 17:33 They were worshiping the Lord and at the same time serving their own gods in accordance with the practices of the nations from which they had been deported.

17:34 To this very day they observe their earlier practices. They do not worship the Lord; they do not obey the rules, regulations, law, and commandments that the Lord gave the descendants of Jacob, whom he renamed Israel. 17:35 The Lord made an agreement with them and instructed them, “You must not worship other gods. Do not bow down to them, serve them, or offer sacrifices to them.

Job 1:9

1:9 Then Satan answered the Lord, “Is it for nothing that Job fears God?

Hosea 3:5

3:5 Afterward, the Israelites will turn and seek the Lord their God and their Davidic king. Then they will submit to the Lord in fear and receive his blessings in the future.

Acts 27:23

27:23 For last night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve came to me

Revelation 15:4

15:4 Who will not fear you, O Lord,

and glorify your name, because you alone are holy?

All nations will come and worship before you

for your righteous acts have been revealed.”