2 Samuel 15:31

15:31 Now David had been told, “Ahithophel has sided with the conspirators who are with Absalom. So David prayed, “Make the advice of Ahithophel foolish, O Lord!”

2 Samuel 15:1

Absalom Leads an Insurrection against David

15:1 Some time later Absalom managed to acquire a chariot and horses, as well as fifty men to serve as his royal guard.

2 Samuel 1:4-5

1:4 David inquired, “How were things going? Tell me!” He replied, “The people fled from the battle and many of them fell dead. Even Saul and his son Jonathan are dead!” 1:5 David said to the young man who was telling him this, “How do you know that Saul and his son Jonathan are dead?”

2 Samuel 1:1

David Learns of the Deaths of Saul and Jonathan

1:1 After the death of Saul, when David had returned from defeating the Amalekites, he stayed at Ziklag for two days.

2 Samuel 16:18

16:18 Hushai replied to Absalom, “No, I will be loyal to the one whom the Lord, these people, and all the men of Israel have chosen.

Job 31:3

31:3 Is it not misfortune for the unjust,

and disaster for those who work iniquity?

Psalms 5:10

5:10 Condemn them, O God!

May their own schemes be their downfall!

Drive them away because of their many acts of insurrection,

for they have rebelled against you.

Psalms 55:23

55:23 But you, O God, will bring them down to the deep Pit.

Violent and deceitful people will not live even half a normal lifespan.

But as for me, I trust in you.

Matthew 27:5

27:5 So Judas threw the silver coins into the temple and left. Then he went out and hanged himself.