2 Samuel 19:19

19:19 He said to the king, “Don’t think badly of me, my lord, and don’t recall the sin of your servant on the day when you, my lord the king, left Jerusalem! Please don’t call it to mind!

2 Samuel 24:10

24:10 David felt guilty after he had numbered the army. David said to the Lord, “I have sinned greatly by doing this! Now, O Lord, please remove the guilt of your servant, for I have acted very foolishly.”

2 Samuel 24:2

24:2 The king told Joab, the general in command of his army, “Go through all the tribes of Israel from Dan to Beer Sheba and muster the army, so I may know the size of the army.”

2 Samuel 16:9

16:9 Then Abishai son of Zeruiah said to the king, “Why should this dead dog curse my lord the king? Let me go over and cut off his head!”

Psalms 38:1-5

Psalm 38

A psalm of David, written to get God’s attention.

38:1 O Lord, do not continue to rebuke me in your anger!

Do not continue to punish me in your raging fury!

38:2 For your arrows pierce me,

and your hand presses me down.

38:3 My whole body is sick because of your judgment;

I am deprived of health because of my sin.

38:4 For my sins overwhelm me;

like a heavy load, they are too much for me to bear.

38:5 My wounds are infected and starting to smell,

because of my foolish sins.

Proverbs 30:32

30:32 If you have done foolishly by exalting yourself

or if you have planned evil,

put your hand over your mouth!