2 Samuel 22:16

22:16 The depths of the sea were exposed;

the inner regions of the world were uncovered

by the Lord’s battle cry,

by the powerful breath from his nose.

2 Samuel 22:2

22:2 He said:

“The Lord is my high ridge, my stronghold, my deliverer.

2 Samuel 19:7

19:7 So get up now and go out and give some encouragement to your servants. For I swear by the Lord that if you don’t go out there, not a single man will stay here with you tonight! This disaster will be worse for you than any disaster that has overtaken you from your youth right to the present time!”

Isaiah 40:7

40:7 The grass dries up,

the flowers wither,

when the wind sent by the Lord blows on them.

Surely humanity is like grass.

Malachi 2:2

2:2 If you do not listen and take seriously the need to honor my name,” says the Lord who rules over all, “I will send judgment on you and turn your blessings into curses – indeed, I have already done so because you are not taking it to heart.