2 Samuel 22:21-30

22:21 The Lord repaid me for my godly deeds;

he rewarded my blameless behavior.

22:22 For I have obeyed the Lord’s commands;

I have not rebelled against my God.

22:23 For I am aware of all his regulations,

and I do not reject his rules.

22:24 I was blameless before him;

I kept myself from sinning.

22:25 The Lord rewarded me for my godly deeds;

he took notice of my blameless behavior.

22:26 You prove to be loyal to one who is faithful;

you prove to be trustworthy to one who is innocent.

22:27 You prove to be reliable to one who is blameless,

but you prove to be deceptive to one who is perverse.

22:28 You deliver oppressed people,

but you watch the proud and bring them down.

22:29 Indeed, you are my lamp, Lord.

The Lord illumines the darkness around me.

22:30 Indeed,with your help I can charge against an army;

by my God’s power I can jump over a wall.