2 Samuel 3:27

3:27 When Abner returned to Hebron, Joab took him aside at the gate as if to speak privately with him. Joab then stabbed him in the abdomen and killed him, avenging the shed blood of his brother Asahel.

2 Samuel 20:9

20:9 Joab said to Amasa, “How are you, my brother?” With his right hand Joab took hold of Amasa’s beard as if to greet him with a kiss.

Psalms 37:12

37:12 Evil men plot against the godly

and viciously attack them.

Proverbs 26:24-26

26:24 The one who hates others disguises it with his lips,

but he stores up deceit within him.

26:25 When he speaks graciously, do not believe him,

for there are seven abominations within him.

26:26 Though his hatred may be concealed by deceit,

his evil will be uncovered in the assembly.

Ecclesiastes 4:4

Labor Motivated by Envy

4:4 Then I considered all the skillful work that is done:

Surely it is nothing more than competition between one person and another.

This also is profitless – like chasing the wind.