2 Samuel 8:13

8:13 David became famous when he returned from defeating the Arameans in the Valley of Salt, he defeated 18,000 in all.

Psalms 49:11-13

49:11 Their grave becomes their permanent residence,

their eternal dwelling place.

They name their lands after themselves,

49:12 but, despite their wealth, people do not last,

they are like animals that perish.

49:13 This is the destiny of fools,

and of those who approve of their philosophy. (Selah)

Proverbs 10:7

10:7 The memory of the righteous is a blessing,

but the reputation of the wicked will rot.

Daniel 4:30

4:30 The king uttered these words: “Is this not the great Babylon that I have built for a royal residence by my own mighty strength and for my majestic honor?”

John 5:44

5:44 How can you believe, if you accept praise from one another and don’t seek the praise that comes from the only God?