5:11 Therefore, because you make the poor pay taxes on their crops
and exact a grain tax from them,
you will not live in the houses you built with chiseled stone,
nor will you drink the wine from the fine
5:12 Certainly
and your numerous sins.
and you deny justice to
6:12 Can horses run on rocky cliffs?
Can one plow the sea with oxen?
Yet you have turned justice into a poisonous plant,
and the fruit of righteous actions into a bitter plant.
1:23 Your officials are rebels,
they associate with
All of them love bribery,
and look for
They do not take up the cause of the orphan,
or defend the rights of the widow.
5:7 Indeed
the people
He waited for justice, but look what he got – disobedience!
He waited for fairness, but look what he got – cries for help!
10:1 Those who enact unjust policies are as good as dead,
those who are always instituting unfair regulations,
59:13 We have rebelled and tried to deceive the Lord;
we turned back from following our God.
We stir up
we tell lies we concocted in our minds.
59:14 Justice is driven back;
and morality is not even able to enter.
10:4 They
Therefore legal disputes sprout up
like poisonous weeds
1:12 Lord, you have been active from ancient times;
my sovereign God,
Lord, you have made them
1:13 You are too just
you are unable to condone
So why do you put up with such treacherous people?
Why do you say nothing when the wicked devour
1:14 You made people like fish in the sea,
like animals in the sea