Daniel 10:11-12

10:11 He said to me, “Daniel, you are of great value. Understand the words that I am about to speak to you. So stand up, for I have now been sent to you.” When he said this to me, I stood up shaking. 10:12 Then he said to me, “Don’t be afraid, Daniel, for from the very first day you applied your mind to understand and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard. I have come in response to your words.

Acts 9:7

9:7 (Now the men who were traveling with him stood there speechless, because they heard the voice but saw no one.)

Acts 10:13

10:13 Then a voice said to him, “Get up, Peter; slaughter and eat!”

Revelation 1:12

1:12 I turned to see whose voice was speaking to me, and when I did so, I saw seven golden lampstands,