Deuteronomy 10:21

10:21 He is the one you should praise; he is your God, the one who has done these great and awesome things for you that you have seen.

Psalms 65:5

65:5 You answer our prayers by performing awesome acts of deliverance,

O God, our savior.

All the ends of the earth trust in you,

as well as those living across the wide seas.

Psalms 66:3

66:3 Say to God:

“How awesome are your deeds!

Because of your great power your enemies cower in fear before you.

Psalms 66:5

66:5 Come and witness God’s exploits!

His acts on behalf of people are awesome!

Psalms 68:35

68:35 You are awe-inspiring, O God, as you emerge from your holy temple!

It is the God of Israel who gives the people power and strength.

God deserves praise!

Psalms 76:12

76:12 He humbles princes;

the kings of the earth regard him as awesome.

Psalms 106:22

106:22 amazing feats in the land of Ham,

mighty acts by the Red Sea.

Psalms 145:6

145:6 They will proclaim the power of your awesome acts!

I will declare your great deeds!

Isaiah 64:3

64:3 When you performed awesome deeds that took us by surprise,

you came down, and the mountains trembled before you.

Jeremiah 32:21

32:21 You used your mighty power and your great strength to perform miracles and amazing deeds and to bring great terror on the Egyptians. By this means you brought your people Israel out of the land of Egypt.