Deuteronomy 12:28

12:28 Pay careful attention to all these things I am commanding you so that it may always go well with you and your children after you when you do what is good and right in the sight of the Lord your God.

Deuteronomy 13:18

13:18 Thus you must obey the Lord your God, keeping all his commandments that I am giving you today and doing what is right before him.

Deuteronomy 13:1

13:1 Suppose a prophet or one who foretells by dreams should appear among you and show you a sign or wonder,

Deuteronomy 11:1

Reiteration of the Call to Obedience

11:1 You must love the Lord your God and do what he requires; keep his statutes, ordinances, and commandments at all times.

Deuteronomy 11:1-2

Reiteration of the Call to Obedience

11:1 You must love the Lord your God and do what he requires; keep his statutes, ordinances, and commandments at all times. 11:2 Bear in mind today that I am not speaking to your children who have not personally experienced the judgments of the Lord your God, which revealed his greatness, strength, and power.

Deuteronomy 22:2

22:2 If the owner does not live near you or you do not know who the owner is, then you must corral the animal at your house and let it stay with you until the owner looks for it; then you must return it to him.

Ezekiel 18:5

18:5 “Suppose a man is righteous. He practices what is just and right,