Deuteronomy 25:6

25:6 Then the first son she bears will continue the name of the dead brother, thus preventing his name from being blotted out of Israel.

Joshua 7:9

7:9 When the Canaanites and all who live in the land hear about this, they will turn against us and destroy the very memory of us from the earth. What will you do to protect your great reputation?”

Psalms 34:16

34:16 But the Lord opposes evildoers

and wipes out all memory of them from the earth.

Psalms 109:15

109:15 May the Lord be constantly aware of them,

and cut off the memory of his children from the earth!

Isaiah 48:19

48:19 Your descendants would have been as numerous as sand,

and your children like its granules.

Their name would not have been cut off

and eliminated from my presence.

Zechariah 13:2

13:2 And also on that day,” says the Lord who rules over all, “I will remove the names of the idols from the land and they will never again be remembered. Moreover, I will remove the prophets and the unclean spirit from the land.