Deuteronomy 32:21

32:21 They have made me jealous with false gods,

enraging me with their worthless gods;

so I will make them jealous with a people they do not recognize,

with a nation slow to learn I will enrage them.

Deuteronomy 32:31

32:31 For our enemies’ rock is not like our Rock,

as even our enemies concede.

Deuteronomy 32:1

Invocation of Witnesses

32:1 Listen, O heavens, and I will speak;

hear, O earth, the words of my mouth.

Deuteronomy 12:21

12:21 If the place he chooses to locate his name is too far for you, you may slaughter any of your herd and flock he has given you just as I have stipulated; you may eat them in your villages just as you wish.

Deuteronomy 12:1

The Central Sanctuary

12:1 These are the statutes and ordinances you must be careful to obey as long as you live in the land the Lord, the God of your ancestors, has given you to possess.

Deuteronomy 16:13

The Festival of Temporary Shelters

16:13 You must celebrate the Festival of Temporary Shelters for seven days, at the time of the grain and grape harvest.

Psalms 115:8

115:8 Those who make them will end up like them,

as will everyone who trusts in them.

Jeremiah 10:8

10:8 The people of those nations are both stupid and foolish.

Instruction from a wooden idol is worthless!

Jeremiah 10:15

10:15 They are worthless, mere objects to be mocked.

When the time comes to punish them, they will be destroyed.

John 2:8

2:8 Then he told them, “Now draw some out and take it to the head steward,” and they did.