Deuteronomy 32:22

32:22 For a fire has been kindled by my anger,

and it burns to lowest Sheol;

it consumes the earth and its produce,

and ignites the foundations of the mountains.

Psalms 18:7

18:7 The earth heaved and shook;

the roots of the mountains trembled;

they heaved because he was angry.

Psalms 18:15

18:15 The depths of the sea were exposed;

the inner regions of the world were uncovered

by your battle cry, Lord,

by the powerful breath from your nose.

Psalms 46:2-3

46:2 For this reason we do not fear when the earth shakes,

and the mountains tumble into the depths of the sea,

46:3 when its waves crash and foam,

and the mountains shake before the surging sea. (Selah)